Graduate Diploma of Portfolio Management


Within four weeks of receiving sufficient and complying evidence of competency in all applied for units of competency

Offered By:

Skills Recognition International (RTO: 32373)

The Diploma of Marketing and Communication qualification is aimed at individuals who possess sound theoretical communications and marketing knowledge, and the ability to demonstrate well-developed managerial skills. The qualified individual would typically be responsible for the output of his or her team and the effective conduct of the business are or organisation. 

You will need to provide a range of evidence to assist your assessor to make a decision about your competence. The types of evidence you may be asked to provide can include:

  • ID
  • Resume
  • Payslips/work contract/ABN if self-employed
  • Letter of Employment
  • Current employment contracts
  • Videos or photos of your work.
  • Evidence of overseas qualifications.
  • Transcripts or assessments from related previous qualifications.
  • Apprenticeship papers. 
  • Spreadsheets 
  • Media plan
  • Advertising and marketing strategies
  • Crisis management plans 
  • Budget and financial plans 
  • Consumer research reports
  • E-business strategies
  • Project proposal 


Satisfied With Training
0 %
Improved Work Status
0 %
0 $

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