Diploma of Logistics


Within four weeks of receiving sufficient and complying evidence of competency in all applied for units of competency

Offered By:

Brighton Pacific (RTO: 41138)

The Diploma of Logistics applies to the integrated management of logistics. The individual will be required to apply self-directed skills, knowledge and judgment to plan services, select equipment and techniques for him / herself and for others. The individual will participate in the development of strategic initiatives and will take responsibility for autonomously performing complex technical operations and organising teams. The individual may work in a team or group.

You will need to provide a range of evidence to assist your assessor to make a decision about your competence. The types of evidence you may be asked to provide can include:

  • ID
  • Resume
  • Payslips/work contract/ABN if self-employed
  • Letter of Employment
  • Current employment contracts
  • Videos or photos of your work.
  • Evidence of overseas qualifications.
  • Transcripts or assessments from related previous qualifications.
  • Apprenticeship papers.
  • Audit Report
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Import/Export Documents
  • Business Plans
  • Projects
  • Budget Documentation
  • Finance Documentation
  • Operations Plan
  • Competency Development Plan
  • Risk Hazard Assessments
  • Supplier Contracts
  • Environmental Protection Polices
  • Fatigue Management Policy


Satisfied With Training
0 %
Improved Work Status
0 %
0 $

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